In the last couple of years there are lots of tv programme about make overs. The results are amazing. Ugly duckling turns to swan. Although sometimes the results are a little bit too much for my liking.
Don't get me wrong, most of the time I have no problem about people improving their body. If it makes you happy and you got the means, just do it. But I do have problem about extreme surgery. I have problem with the doctors feeding the obsession of their patients for the sake of money. Just look what happened to Michael Jackson. Hideous.
As I said, the results on the shows are amazing to say the least. Perfect eye sight, perfect teeth (well, you know how I love to see those pearly smiles), perfect body complete with a boob job. Seems like a boob job is a must-have surgery in those shows. The patients' confidence seems elevated, they seem happier and more comfortable with their bodies. Good for them.
Then they go home, and the show ends there.
In my daily live, I've seen orthognathic surgical patients all the time. In fact I've been one myself. So I know first hand how a surgery can affect your life. Most of the time I heard good stories. Better looking, higher confidence, happier, feels like being able to tackle anything. But there are also some bad ones. Like the one that can't handle that he looks more handsome now after the surgery and he ended up at the loony house. Or the more devastating one, where the patient ended up killing himself after the surgery. Granted those two cases are extreme cases and if I'm not mistaken they had some psychological problem to begin with. However, it shows that not all make over ends well.
The thing is, the orthognathic preparation before the surgery was longer than the preparation of those people on those shows had. Some of orthognathic patients need about two years of wearing braces, which also altered their appearance gradually. They and the people around them have time to adjust with the idea of having their face (slightly) altered after the surgery, unlike those on the make over shows. Sure, the producers of the shows would say that there are psychological assessment beforehand, and psychological sessions during the whole process. But is it enough?
I wonder once those lucky people of the shows got home, would their relationship getting better or worse? As one person changes so much (both physical and attitude) in such short period of time, who knows how the others would react. I guess in the beginning everyone is excited and happy. How does it goes in the longer term? Wouldn't you want to see how they are in, say, two years, maybe in another show? I sincerely hope that their relationship still works afterwards.
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