
bikini parties in jogja

Baywatch bikini parties in Jogja.

The nightspot Caesar Café in Sleman, Yogyakarta intends to hold a “Baywatch Party” this coming Saturday night while several Islamic organisations such as Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI) and the Gerakan Pemuda (GP) Ansor have condemned the plan.

HMI Sleman chairman Warijan says Baywatch parties must be rejected because they do not build up the national character and even damage it.

We ask the organising committee [of the Baywatch Party] to cancel the event.

Holding the event would only worsen the image of Yogyakarta in the country. Yogyakarta has until now been known as a city of education and culture, Warijan said, and went on that many parents were now becoming afraid to send their children to study in Yogyakarta because the the town was becoming a place of sin.

Baywatch Babe
Baywatch babe Pamela Anderson, not expected to attend.

As’ari, the head of Nahdlatul Ulama’s youth wing GP Ansor, agrees and complains that bikini contests are not in accordance with local culture and Islam and reek of pornography and pornoaksi. He invited other Muslim organisations to join in the rejection of the event and to

wage war on sin.

The Event Programmer for Caesar Café, Ambarukmo Fajar, however claims that the “babes” at the party will be relatively conservatively clad in short (red) skirts (white) tops. He explained:

So it’s not like on the Baywatch tv show, the use of the word “Baywatch” is just for marketing.

Only the Baywatch “atmosphere” would be copied and nothing would occur which would damage the culture and traditions of Jogja. Doing anything of an overtly sinful nature would be like committing suicide

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